This Server and it's domain name were suspended because no payments were made for the services (Entschuldigen Sie bitte)

No war, No crime, No Porn, No movies - because web hosting and servers should be paid.

We haven't received any payment for this hosting in a very long long time. It looks like nobody needs this hosting.
We don't have money to pay for electricity for our servers.

We are so sorry...

Kein Krieg, kein Verbrechen, kein Porno, keine Filme - weil Web-Hosting und dient sollte bezahlt werden.

Wir haben keine Zahlung f.r dieses Hosting in sehr langer Zeit erhalten. Es sieht aus wie niemand braucht dieses Hosting.
Wir haben kein Geld f.r Strom f.r unsere Server zu zahlen.

Entschuldigen Sie bitte.

P.S. We are looking for owners and people who can pay for servers. Please contact us ICQ 900230, jabber
Web Hosting, Good Dedicated Servers from Russia with Love 1991-2017 (c)